Gates Hospital (Buffalo, NY)
Gates Main Hospital was imploded as a part of a larger demolition, including the boiler house and building(s) A,B,C which would forever change the landscape of Gates Circle In Buffalo. Fibertech abated asbestos containing Thermal System Insulation (7,000 lf) Surfacing Material (13,600 sf), (Floor Tile/Mastic (600,600 sf), Tansite (10,000 sf), and Window Caulk (6,900 lf), all of which must be completed prior to demolition of any structure in New York State. Fibertech was proud to be a part of such a historic project in Buffalo, and our workers and families were happy to get up early to watch the implosion of a building we worked so hard to make “implosion-ready” Clean-up of Buildings C and D remain on hold, but Fibertech will be ready to make that safe for whatever TM Montante determines is the best use for that beautiful area of Buffalo.

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